Unit 1 一、选词填空 cover an area of; appeal to; compulsory; distinguish... from; freeze; be accused of; be equ......
My favourite TV programme is Animal World hosted by famous anchor Zhao Zhongxiang, which brings us happiness and knowledg......
Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhel......
Some Interesting Origins about Spring Festival Eng: Spring Festival is coming! Have you been ready for the celeb......
It is natural that man should love beauty, for beauty brings lasting happiness. If there were no beauty on this earth, it ......
Dear Lin Tao, Thanks for your letter, don’t worry to study English. I will tell you some ways, hope they can help you. ......
We’ve been friends now, for quite a while1. Through ups and downs2, tears and smiles. All those letters end......
“动脑筋”(use your brains)、“机敏一点”(being clever):用手指点点自己的太阳穴。 付帐(cash):右手拇指、食指和中指在空中捏在一......
A survey of happiness (长久以来,对持久幸福感的追求,一直是科学家和许多相关调查关注的目标。但是什么使我们真正感到快乐?) S......
下面是有关“祝愿”的表达方法,是初中生应当掌握的问候语和答语。 1.节日问候(Festival greetings) (1)用语 Happy New Year......
雪桐 译 幸福是什么? 对于我,幸福是在角落里安静地阅读自己喜欢的书;是和弟弟躲在大卡车后面津津有味地吃冰淇淋;是挽着妈......
Put your problems on probation, Run your troubles off the track, Throw your worries out of the window, Get t......
This thesis is a study of Jane Austen’s attitude towards marriage as shown in her novel Pride and Prejudice.The three d......
The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini. This novel tells us a story between two bo......
With the rapid development of China’s economy, the annual growth rate of in- vestment in capital assets in the country......
Money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else, researchers reported. Spending as little as $US 5 ......
The pursuit of lasting happiness has long beena subject of interest for scientists and surveys alike.But what makes us r......
过年了,亲朋好友欢聚一堂,开怀畅饮,这时候少不了要说一两句吉利话给大人们助助兴,你知道英语的吉利话怎么说吗? “为……干杯”在......
AN ancient Chinese saying says, “If an old dog barks, he gives counsel.” The Chinese believe that old men, who have wa......
译/赵秀明 The love f beauty is an essential part of all healthy humannature. It is a moral quality. The absence of......
Recently, a story is spreading among Beijing people. During the rush hours everyday, a man would drive a Mercedes-Benz t......
On one Sunday, I was viewing on the web, the video of Harvard University public class, positive psychology, which was ta......
This thesis holds that the American Dreamin 1920s is impossible to attain.Gatsby’s whole life can illustrate this point......
如果今天中了彩票,或是炒股成了亿万富翁,明天你还会继续工作吗? 在企业界做内训时,我随口问了在座的学员,结果出乎意料,有七八成的......
Hunting for Happiness ? by Ana Margarida Carvalho As we mature, what makes us happy keeps changing. in the real wo......
Happiness is what we all try hard to find and keep. Being happy often means feeling satisfied, feeling joyful, and having ......
Harry Potter fans who have found years of happiness, excitement, and comfort in J.K. Rowling’s mega-successful series are......
My favorite saying is,“ A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” It makes me think about my best fr......
Happiness is a long duration of satisfaction and great fun of life,and a natural wish of pleasant mood to be continued.J......
一部电影,一句话。也许,对于一部经典电影,千言万语也无法去言说。即便如此,那就权且将浓缩的这句话当作是电影的画外之音吧。 《泰......
出生日期:2000年6月28日 爱好:篮球、看书 座右铭:没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。 ......
Once a group of 50 students was attending a class meeting. Suddenly the speaker stopped and started giving each stude......
It didn’t take long for my son to find his happiness in sports. At 2, Eric loved taking swimming classes. By 3, when he h......
First of all, I’d like to ask you two questions: Are you happy of being a teacher? Are you happy when you spend time with ......
Everyone has his or her dream. So do I. When I was a child, I’d like to be a teacher. I think I can teach children a lot......
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” —Mark Twain......